From Poverty To Riches

From Poverty To Riches

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Follow the Path of Elon Musk

Richest man in the world (Alternating with Jeff Besos – former CEO of Amazon). Learn Elon’s secrets to how he has achieved his position. He wasn’t born into wealth and hasn’t won the lottery. But he did get his head sorted out and focused on important stuff.

Firstly he has a consuming ambition to help humanity establish a colony on Mars. Making us a multi planet species just in case something drastic happens to the Earth.

But of course this lofty ambition cannot be achieved in one go. So Elon has set other goals to work towards the end one.

What are some of his current actions to achieve his goals?

Firstly to get to Mars we’ll need a spaceship (duh). So Elon has created SPACEX. He is launching rockets almost every week! And sometimes has multiple launches in a single day. [Check out YouTube for more details].

Along side this goal Elon recognises the importance of the Internet and for everyone to have the ability to get good connectivity. So he created STARLINK. Combining this company with SpaceX he is launching hundreds of satellites a year. Even in the world’s remotest places (and on the oceans) Internet connectivity will become available.

What he doesn’t focus on is having a big house (at this time he doesn’t even own one house), fancy yacht ( he leaves this to Jeff) or flashy car (I am not sure if he even drives himself. Most top people don’t. They have a driver so they can spend their time thinking and planning.

In interviews I have seen with Elon he focuses on having a positive mental attitude. Even workers he recruits for his businesses need to be more than wage slaves. They need to have a mindset on how to move the company forward towards it’s goals.

As you are probably not a neuroscientist I have outlined below some information about the human mind and the various brainwaves it produces.

In particular I want you to know about Theta Waves. There is good reason why you need to improve the power of these waves in your own mind. And now there is a simple way for you to do this. If you want to know more there is a link at the bottom of this article to take you to a website for more info.

Training the brain using neurofeedback can help strengthen desirable brain wave patterns.

Human Brain Waves and Mental Abilities

The brain generates electrical signals known as brain waves that can be measured using electroencephalography (EEG). Different patterns of brain waves are associated with different states of brain function and consciousness

The main types of brain waves are:

Delta Waves (0.5-4 Hz)

  • Slowest brain waves, dominant during deep sleep2
  • Associated with healing, regeneration, and deep relaxation
  • Excess delta waves while awake can cause learning disabilities and inability to focus
  • Delta brain waves are slow waves dominant during deep sleep[4]
The Transformative Power of Understanding Brain Waves | by Metin ...

Theta Waves (4-8 Hz)

  • Dominant during light sleep, dreaming, and meditation
  • Associated with creativity, emotional connection, intuition, and relaxation
  • Excess theta waves while awake can cause ADHD, anxiety, behavioural disorders
  • Theta brain waves occur during light sleep and meditation[4]
What Are Brainwaves And How Can You Alter Them? | St Louis ...

Alpha Waves (8-12 Hz)

  • Dominant during quiet wakefulness and relaxation
  • Associated with calmness, creativity, and mental coordination
  • Deficiency in alpha waves linked to learning disabilities, inability to focus
  • Alpha brain waves indicate a relaxed but awake state[4]
AI Merged with Electrical Brain Stimulation Improves Human Brain ...

Beta Waves (12-30 Hz)

  • Dominant during active thinking, focus, and alertness
  • Associated with problem-solving, concentration, and cognition
  • Excess beta waves linked to anxiety, high arousal, inability to relax
  • Beta brain waves indicate active concentration and focus[4]

Gamma Waves (30-100 Hz)

  • Fastest brain waves associated with higher cognition and information processing
  • Linked to learning, memory, and perception
  • Excess gamma waves may contribute to anxiety disorders
How to Manipulate Brain Waves for a Better Mental State — The Nexus
Brain Wave Characteristics

In summary, slower brain wave patterns like delta and theta promote relaxation and creativity, while faster patterns like beta and gamma aid focus, cognition, and information processing. A balance of different brain waves is important for optimal mental performance. Training the brain using neurofeedback can help strengthen desirable brain wave patterns.


Increase the power of your THETA waves through THIS SIMPLE HABIT






 Scientific American:

 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience:

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